Пантеон на Георги Стойков Раковски

Georgi Stoykov Rakovski’s Pantheon

One noteworthy display in the Kotel Museum of History is the Pantheon of Georgi Stoykov Rakovski, located in the section of the museum dedicated to the Kotel Awakening.

Римски стадион - Пловдив

Roman Stadium – Plovdiv

The antique stadium in Plovdiv is situated on Dzhumaya Square, which separates the pedestrian part of the center into two parts – Knyaz Alexander I Str.

Антична куполна гробница Кухата могила

Antique Beehive Tomb

The antique beehive tomb in the town of Pomorie is situated to the west from Pomorie, close to the road for Burgas.