Danube Region
Archaeological Museum – Silistra
The archaeological exhibition at the Silistra Museum of History is spread out on an area of 400 sq m in an impressive building from the beginning of the 20th century.
Demir Baba Tekke
Demir Baba Tekke is situated within the borders of the historical and archaeological resere “Sboryanovo”.
Kolyu Ficheto’s Bridge over the Yantra River
The Byala Bridge is situated at the northeastern part of the town of Byala, Ruse Municipality.
Kupenite (Reseleshki Kukli, Reselets Dolls)
The village of Reselets is situated at a distance of 6 km from the town of Cherven Bryag.
Medieval Fortified Town of Cherven
The medieval fortified town of Cherven is situated at a distance of about 30 km south from the town of Ruse, within the borders of Rusenski Lom Natural Park.
Antique town of Ulpiya Eskus
The antique town of Ulpiya Eskus is situated near the bank of the river Danube, at a distance of about 22 km from the town of Gulyantski, county of Pleven.