Самуиловата крепост

Samuil’s Fortress

The Samuil’s fortress is situated on the right bank of the Strumeshnitsa river, 16 kilometers west of the town of Petrich.

Крепост Кривус

Krivus Fortress

Krivus is a medieval Bulgarian fortress, built in the 10th century.

Крепост Моняк (Мнеакос, Мнияк)

Monyak Fortress

The Monyak Fortress (also known as Mneakos, Mniyak) is in the Rhodope Mountain, 11 km east of the city Kardzhali near the village of Shiroko Pole, and is 586 meters above sea level.

Крепост Устра

Ustra Fortress

The Ustra fortress, situated near the village of Ustra, is one of the highest strongholds in the Rhodope mountain.

Крепост Цепина

Tsepina Fortress

The Tsepina Fortress is situated a few kilometers north-west of the Rhodope village of Dorkovo.