Чудните скали

Wonderful Rocks (Chudnite Skali)

The rock phenomenon “The Wonderful Rocks” is situated at a distance of 4 km from the village of Asparuhovo, municipality of Dalgopol, county of Varna.

Караджов камък

Karadzhov Boulder

The Karadzhov Boulder is a remarkable rock formation located near the village of Mostovo in the Rhodope Mountains.

Кърлановски пирамиди

Karlanovo Pyramids

The Karlanovo Pyramids are sandstone pyramids often included as part of The Melnik complex of stone pyramids, and are located near the village of Karlanovo.

Каменни гъби

Stone Mushrooms

The stone mushrooms are rock formations, located east of the village of Beli Plast, at the road, connecting Kardzhali with Haskovo.

Каменната сватба

The Stone Wedding

The natural landmark called The Petrified Wedding (the Stone Wedding) is located about 4 kilometers east of the town of Kardzhali, near the village of Zimzelen.