Вкаменените братя

Legend of Petrified Brothers

Near the town of Aytos, in the area of Kazanite (the Cauldrons), rises a bizarre natural formations group – three impressive rocks, which most often people likened to three brothers-fighters and defenders of the oppressed.

Русен Русин камък

Legend of Rusin Stone

The megalithic sanctuary Rusin Stone is located in the highest and rocky part of the Rusokasto fortress, 2.5 km northwest of the village of Rusokastro in the Burgas municipality of Kameno.

Беглик таш

Legend of Beglik Tash

Nearby Primorsko, in the cool forests of Strandzha, on the ridge of „Maslen Nos“ cape is hidden a Thracian sanctuary called Beglik Tash.



Ahtopol is located 90 km south of Burgas and 14 km southeast of Tsarevo.