Самуиловата крепост

Samuil’s Fortress

The Samuil’s fortress is situated on the right bank of the Strumeshnitsa river, 16 kilometers west of the town of Petrich.

Крепост Меджиди табия

Medzhidi Tabiya Fortress

The Turkish fort “Abdul Medzhidi” or the so-called Medzhidi Tabiya fortress is located south of Silistra and is the best preserved of the six defensive points of the Turkish fortification system.

Асеновата крепост

Asen’s Fortress

Asen’s Fortress is the most interesting and most often visited tourist attraction in the Asenovgrad region.

Стобските пирамиди

The Stob Pyramids

The sandstone pyramids of Stob are among the most popular natural attractions for tourists in Bulgaria.