Хелиос СПА хотел

Helios Spa Hotel

Helios Spa & Resort was conceived to provide the elegance you deserve, the comfort you desire, the peaceful tranquility you long for and the friendship that makes you come back again.

Резиденция Евксиноград

Evksinograd Residence

The Evksinograd Residence is located at a distance of 8 kilometers north of Varna and lies on a 3-kilometer coastline in close proximity to the resort of St.

Екопарк Варна - Университетска ботаническа градина

Eco Park Varna – University Botanical Garden

The University Botanical Garden – Eco Park – city of Varna was established in 1977 on the territory of a former nursery-garden, and since 11 May 2002 it has been opened for visitors as the first ecological park in the country.

Дикилиташ - Побити камъни

Dikilitash – The Stone Forest

The natural phenomenon Pobiti Kamani, also known as The Stone Forest and Dikilitash, is situated on an area of 7 square km at a distance of about 18-20 km from the city of Varna, and a few kilometers from the town of Beloslav.

Резерват Камчия

Kamchia Reserve

The Kamchia Reserve covers the lower valley of the  Kamchia river, the localities of the municipalities of Avren and Dolni Chiflik.