Stara Planina Region
Legend of Maragidik Peak
Maragidik is a peak in the Balkan Mountains, above Apriltsi, its other famous name is “Mermaid”.
Legend of Love Fountain
The legend of the beautiful love fountain in Tryavna tells about the love between a young carver and the most beautiful girl from Tryavna.
Legend of Queen Kuna
The Karlukovo karst region abounds in impressive rock slopes and amazing landscapes.
Legend of Glojenski Monastery St. George the Victorious
The monastery “St.
Legend of Todorini kukli peaks
In the northwestern part of Stara Planina between the Petrohan pass and the Kom peak rise three peaks with the fabulous name Todorini Kukli (Todora’s Dolls).
Legend of the momin vir and the momin skok
The village of Emen is located in the picturesque foothills of the Balkans, 20 km from Veliko Tarnovo, near the Emen canyon of the river Negovanka.