Дуранкулашко езеро

Durankulak Lake

The protected area “Durankulak Lake” is situated 15 km north from the town of Shabla, and about 6 km from the border between Bulgaria and Romania.

Римски терми Варна

Roman Baths Varna

The Roman Baths are one of the most valuable monuments of culture in Varna, situated in the central part of the city, on the corner of the streets San Stefano and Khan Krum.

Крепост Овеч

Ovech Fortress

Ovech Fortress is a stone stronghold located east of the town of Provadia, 53 km west of Varna and 410 km east of Sofia.

Регионален исторически музей - Шумен

Regional History Museum – Shumen

The history museum in Shumen was set up in 1857 when Sava Dobroplodni (1820 – 1894), from the Bulgarian Revival Period, organised the first expedition to the remains of the old Bulgarian capital Veliki Preslav (Great Preslav) together with students and when they exhibited their finds in the local school.