
The currency of the Republic of Bulgaria is the Lev (lev), which is equal to 100 stotinki (st.). The lev is a stable currency and since 1997 the country has a currency board and a fixed rate of € 1 – 1.95583 lev.

€ 1 = 1.95583 lev
Currency: Lev / Leva / Lv
Sign: BGN

Current currency information can be obtained from the website of the Bulgarian National Bank.


Bulgarian banknotes come in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 leva. Coins come in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 stotinki and 1 and 2 leva. Prices for smaller items are always quoted in leva or a fraction of a lev, e.g. on a bus ticket the fare will be listed as “0.50 lv” rather than “50 stotinki”.

Currency exchangers

Currency can be exchanged at banks or currency exchange offices. Foreign-exchange offices can be found in all large towns, and rates are always displayed prominently. They are not allowed to charge commission, but in any case always check the rates of exchange and final amount that you will be offered before making a transaction. Some of those offices work on weekends. Where possible, change money in banks, large hotels, or exchange bureaux. Don’t use sellers on the street. Euro-checks may be cashed at a bank.

When changing money, make sure that the foreign banknotes you have are not torn, marked or grubby, otherwise they may be refused. Similarly, make sure that any leva given to you are not torn or marked. The best currencies to take to Bulgaria are euros, pounds sterling and US dollars.


There is a large network of ATMs found in all sizeable towns and cities, that accept standard international credit and debit cards – VISA, Master Card, American Express or Diners Club. The total amount you can withdraw depends on your bank’s own restrictions.